Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shout Out

Hey Tech Friends--

Thank you for all you've added to this class by your thoughtful comments, insights, and skill sets.
I love hearing your stories and ideas during our "Center Court" moments. I feel rich for getting to be here and for the opportunity to gain from you. The FEELING of wealth is as lovely as the reality...I think...Actually, I am not sure. Lewis and Clark would know. They have all my money. :)

However, information is power and innovation equals excitement. Thanks to you. I've got both.

To loosely quote my new friend, Jared, "You rule like a pizza supreme."
Jared--Are you related to Jack Black?   :)


  1. Love this stuff. Thanks for helping creating this wonderful new community of educators...JackBlack fits Jared: hip, musical, artistic and probably can scowl like Jack!

  2. What a pleasure it has been spending several weeks learning with you this summer. I agree that the wealth of this learning is INCREDIBLE, but I'm not qualified to speak about the reality of wealth - I am, after all, an elementary teacher...and Lewis and Clark has most of my money, too! Thank you for your thoughtful and introspective sharing, your willingness to ask big questions, and your obvious passion (with purpose) for education!
